Knowledge base with tag "poker theorems"

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Zeebo's theorem of poker

Zeebo's theorem of poker

Poker Zeebo's theorem is one of the simplest and most profitable ones. Zeebo's theorem states: 'No player is capable of folding a full house on any betting round, regardless of the size of the bet.'

The fundamental theorem of poker by David Sklansky

The fundamental theorem of poker by David Sklansky

The fundamental theorem of poker is the most comprehensive and generalized theorem with the key to success in the game. This is one global theorem which applies to all the poker variations

The Baluga theorem of poker

The Baluga theorem of poker

The Baluga Theorem requires more detailed explanation than most of the poker theorems. In short, The Baluga Theorem states that: 'You should seriously re-evaluate the strength of your top pair in the face of a raise on the turn'